I started a business, now what?

I help small business owners get website traffic and customers.

Hi Entrepreneur!

When I launched my very first eCommerce website in 2016 I had no idea what I was doing.

I thought all I had to do was have pretty pictures and customers would come flooding in. Creating a marketing strategy and plan? What's that?


After lauching my  businesses and making $1000's since 2016 I realized there was a HUGE gap. 

Small business owners were struggling to make consistent sales if any at all and there was no place to get support, have accountability or create a much needed plan to bring revenue into their business.

So I closed down my shop to start teaching what I've learned.

In 2022 Modern Luvv Media was launched 🚀

This is where The Social Content Creator Membership, The Pin University and The Ecommerce Course Academy was born. This complete business suite teaches small business owners how to build a beautiful money making website and market their business in their sleep.

Ready to start creating the business you can't stop thinking about?